A brilliant RPG which I would gladly play and return to time and time again over a big name RPG, as always Matt. Nat, and Lance were all interesting and fun to watch, and the new member, Anna, was no exception and made a brilliant addition to the team, adding her thoughts into the general reference and humor filled banter which gave this game so much personality.
The story while short and lacking any "Proper development" in the eyes of some, was again fun, and served its point, to be the reason our heroes embark on their epic journey.
The battle system while in no way revolutionary was still very enjoyable, sticking to the turn-based RPG roots. Ironically a breath of fresh air to see something so classic as many RPGs I have played recently have tried adjusting the turn based formula and have failed miserably.
Skills while not necessarily a walk in the park were simple to get, it wasn't a pain in my ass to obtain that one fire spell as I wasn't forced through some ridiculously complex skill tree (yet again another breath of fresh air)
There was a wide variety of enemies too fight and they all had their individual weaknesses making each battle that much more interesting as the player has to compensate for those strengths and weaknesses.
And last but not least, the music, HalcyonicFalconX has done a beautiful job on the soundtrack of this game, creating exciting battle themes to relaxing world map melodies
I have been an EBF fan for many years now, and having finally found the time to play and finish this one (Thank God for graduation) I am very happy with the latest installment, as it has fulfilled and exceeded all expectations I had, If you enjoy RPGs, especially ones similar to Final Fantasy or even Pokemon, The I would give this my highest recommendation this to you.
I eagerly await Mr. Roszak's next game, wiether this be the next installment of EBF or one of the spin offs